

  • 20. April 2016

I’ve been to my beloved Luxembourg again. Somehow I contracted a passion for this little country during my regular vistits over the past years. But I never worked in black & white over there, let alone for nude art. So it has really been about time to fill in the blank, starting with a short series of pictures I called Eifelwasser, even when shot on both sides of the fortunately invisible border between „Lëtzebuerg“ and Germany (Rhineland-Palatinate). The first two pictures have been taken at the lovely Schiessentümpel waterfall of the „Schwarze Ernz“ nearby Müllerthal (Heringer Millen), right in the heart of  „Luxembourg’s Little Switzerland„. The other photos originated nearby Irrel, where the river prüm rushes over a landslide dating back to last Ice Age. That’s a quite powerful place to work at. Its been a great pleasure to combine my models (Gabienne and Kerstin) with the force of the river between the huge above head height sandstone bolders.

Take a look right here to find some of the art we created: Zwei


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