English (late) summer rain.

English (late) summer rain.

  • 20. Oktober 2015

In fact, there has been not too much of it, exept on the days when I met Madame Bink in Cumbria and Lulu Lockhart and Tim Pile in the Yorkshire Dales. The other days of our three weeks trip through England where bright, warm, sunny and relaxing. I am still a bit gutted about the weather on the Cumbrian peninsula, when I was strolling over the Hutton Roofs with lovely Madame Bink. Its been cold, windy (almost stormy) and in the end even raining heavily. Pour girl. Bink was so brave and defiant of the ugly conditions. So thanks to her, we created some nice photos. I would have been to lazy to go outside.

Thank god, there where better conditions on the day with Lulu and Tim – but cold and windy as well. At least, it was warm enough (for Britons) to have a huge ice-cream on our accent to Twisleton Scar. Thanks to the lovely ice-cream vendor for taking the picture and to Tim for a tasty 99 (so – what is true in the end?) and the pic (I’ve taken the liberty). Twisleton Scar is a nice place, famous for its landscape pictures. Everybody knows the hundreds and thousands of photos of the lonelys hawhorn trees in front of mighty Ingleboroughs shape in sunset. Well, we gave it a try as a thankfully not too overcrowded place for art nude. I learned that creating art nude photos outdoor is something else in England, than in mainland Europe. Its more hide and seek, than the guy from Germany is used to … and paying attention to. *big grin* Over here, we mostly don’t care about walkers and cyclists coming by. But despite all tourists around and some wolly observers, we managed to shoot some great pictures. Thanks to both, Lulu and Tim, for the great day and the memorable time.

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