The area around Lake Constance is well known as one of Europes largest producer of apples. Where ever you look over the rolling hills north and south of the lake, you’ll see apple trees. Often they are accuratley lined up in plantations. But if you look closer, you can still find these wonderful wild apple orchards and (best!) a forgotten meadow with scattered fruit trees. Well, Jelena and I where on a stroll through the (more or less „domestic“ apple orchards between Hagnau and Immenstaad to finish my latest project. We did! Its been a really nice forenoon, with just a scant time, but with a great conversance.
We had not met for the last five years, when we shooted for a book cover. But somehow worked together as we would do so regularly. Jelenas ease helped me a lot. Its been a quite while, since I had my last B&W-Shooting. Too much work, bad weather, an inexplicable absence of creativity and the unpleasant feeling of beeing obligated to finish the job tempted me to put my cam out of sight for much too many days and weeks. Tough luck!, the bright morning light past away before she had the chance to arrive. Thanks to the everlasting traffic jam and road works on the streets around Lake Constance, she turned up an hour later than expected. The sun already disappeared behind dark clouds, but the foehn storm was still blowing through the lines of trees. It has no been easy to position Jelena in the right places without to much wind swirling strands of hair into her pretty face and – on the other side – giving the pictures a bit of dynamic with flying hair and catching the few sunbeams. Not to forget the real challenge with working farmers and passing promenaders. 😉