I first visted the Elbe Sandstone Mountains at the border between Saxony and Czechia after the Fall of the Wall in spring 1990 and was swept off my feed when scrambling through this surreal world of sheer rock walls and bizarre pinnacles, some more than 300ft high. Several of these rocks, towering above the woodlands, are climbable with bold trails over steep ladders – the “Stiegen”. I walked through these rugged hills with its cliffs and gorges, coves and mounds of rock several times in the past, but never thought about working in this Saxon Switzerland National Park with a model. 2015, Rebecca Tun was in Berlin and I took the opportunity to spend a few days with her in the secluded Winterberg Guesthouse (sadly now closed). This beautiful and remote old refuge was only accessible by feed or an enjoyable ride with an old Landrover. We had some relaxing early summer days in the mountains and profound talks about Nietzsche, with tea and wine and some good food. Now, more than three years later, the idea of continuing my work in this fairy-tale landscape grew again, resulting in some more enchanting days with Noalena. I savoured every moment of deep harmony and congenial working, despite the freezing cold pre-winter weather.